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View profile »Joelle Magyar (Krieger)
Mentor, OH
20 years! I remember MY mother going to her 20 year reunion! Crazy! Not sure if I will be joining you yet. My two boys play AAA hockey and I travel quite a bit with them. I will do my best to attend. I do look forward to hearing how everyone is doing. P… more »
Spring Hill, TN
Looking forward to traveling back to Cleveland for the reunion. It will be great to see how everyone has changed in 20 years.
Centreville, VA
I may come to the reunion, if I'm not still in denial that it has been 20 years since we've graduated ; ). Wow. Good to see old faces and their new offspring. Have a six-year-old son who's reading this as I type, so I'm going to keep it clean (hehe). M… more »
View profile »Lynn and Frank Piunno (Lynn Friedman)
Pepper Pike, OH